Tuesday, May 27, 2014

One step closer

Years ago, my ultimate dream was to work for this certain company. It was my ultimate dream since..high school, I think? And as mentioned from my earlier blogs, when I wanted something, by all means and how much long I will able to achieve it, I get it.

Sounds scary? Haha. But yeah. That's me. Until I graduated from my dream university and my dream company didn't materialize.There was no way I was able to get in there though I have lots of contacts. It's just that the "timing"wasn't perfect that time. Until I forgot about it. My dream company became one of my forgotten memories.

I'm in my quarter life already and just like everyone else, I am into this "crisis". I've left my previous job for the new boss who is my fraternity brother. I can say that I am happy but not that "happy". I miss the challenge when I was in HVCDP. I miss the travels and the people. And believe it or not, yes, I also miss my ex-boss.

Coincidence? A friend of mine mentioned to me that her position is available in that company. OMG!!! Is this a sign????  Despite the emotional dilemmas I have inside, I updated my resume and sent it to her as she instructed. My boss' term is only less than two years (PNoy's) and he's been really kind to me. But I just gave it a try. For once in my life, I'd be able to prove to myself that I CAN be near that dream.

Actually up to now, I'm still undecided but I really have to choose. I"m confused of getting that job because:

  1.  Courtesy to my brod 
  2. The schedule of leave next year when Isser decides to take a vacation. Because with my current boss who is lenient and very understanding I can take at most two weeks for this. 
  3. Weight and schedule of work. Much to my comfort, the 6-day work schedule is really not for me. Though I am trained to difficult and stressful assignments, I don't think I can give up my Saturdays. 
  4. Location. If ever I get hired, I have to move out from the dorm since it's out of way already. I don't want to torture myself from the Hells of MRT 3 or the Hells of EDSA if I commute from Laguna everyday. This is just hassle.
  5. No holiday on my birthday. If I get hired then, no more QC day! All plans ruined for my 25th! :(
But a voice inside my heart speaks of the forgotten dream to be remembered and help myself get out of this comfort zone. The comfort zone of being dependent to my boyfriend's decisions and to where I feel un-insecure. 

I'd like to take a chance for that dream. Ika nga, testing lang. Wala namang mawawala. Kung para sakin, para sakin. If not, at least I tried. :)